Dragon: Water (Young Adult)     

Species: Dragon. Breed: Water (Young Adult). Class: Enchanted. Align: Good (Apathetic).

Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.


Level: 12 + 1-D6. Damage-Points: 10-D20 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 800 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 32, Sense of Smell: 35, Sixth Sense: 20, Taste: 30, Touch: 25, Vision: 28,

Charisma -: Appearance: Dragon. See: "Description". Speech: 24, Constitution: 45, Coordination: 50, Dexterity: 50, Intelligence: 21, Mental-Strength: 55, Strength: 80, Wisdom: 21.



Flying: 75. Grounded: 25. Swimming: 8.


Luck: +1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: 1,650. Note: This dragon does not expend Oxygen-Points for being submersed in water, but it can lose Oxygen-Points in other instances.

Blood-Points: 135.



Attack descriptions:  Range:               Damage:                                   Attack type:

Bite ------------- : 1      4 spaces (10').   1-D20 (+1-D20 per level).        Sharp.

Claws ----------- : 2     4 spaces (10').    1-D12 (+1-D12 per level).       Sharp.

Tail-Strike ----- : 1     5 spaces (15').   1-D20 (+1-D20 per 3 levels).   Blunt.



     1. Tail-Strike will effect 1-D4 areas of victim's body.

     2. Creatures within all spaces within the "Range" of Tail-Strike can be damaged

         by the dragon, but it must roll to hit each and every creature within Tail-Strike


     3. All forms of attack can be attempted each and every turn (bite, claws and tail-strike).


Defense: 50. Offense: 50.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

10+ for 4-D4 items.

Begin rolling on the Rare chart.


Additional treasure checks are as follows:

30% chance of having 1-D6 Artifacts.
100% chance of having 6-D4 random Gems.

100% chance of having Money (Rare). Amount rolled up will be multiplied by 6-D6.

40% chance of having 2-D4 random Special Gems.
25% chance of having 1-D3 Oracles.
25% chance of having 1-D2 Relics.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: Amethyst-blue. Eye shape: Large-sized and slanted. Height: 16' 0". Length: 48'-0". Posture: Avian. Scale color: Royal-blue. Skin texture: Scaly. Weight: 16,000 Lbs.

Wing Contour: Dragon. Wingspan: 96'.


This graceful creature is a blue dragon. It's skin and scales are a deep blue.


Dislikes ----- : Alligators, Crocodiles and Sharks.

Disposition - : The Water Dragon is of a good nature, but shys away from mankind. It is not afraid of man, but it loves the solitude of open waters and a peaceful day.


Fears -------- : Fire.

Habitat ------ : Many regions in which bodies of large waters exist.

Immunities - : Fear, Sickness, Disease.

Life-span --- : 4 Ages (4,000 years).

Likes -------- : Naiads and Mer.

Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.).

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

Water Mastery: This dragon can breath water and air, and is immune to the pressure of deep water. It can share this ability with other creatures if in physical contact with it.


Special Defenses:

Damage-Reduction: 12 vs. physical damage.

Natural Armor: Roll needed to turn certain attacks:

Acid -------- : 72+

Blunt ------- : 52+

Cold -------- : 62+

Electricity - : 62+

Fire --------- : 72+

Needle ----- : 42+

Sharp ------- : 62+


Special Resistances:

Magic ------------- : 45%
Mental-Attack -- : 55%
Spiritual-Attack - : 50%


Special Offenses:



Susceptibilities: Fire causes +50% damage on this creature.

Weapon susceptibility: Rank-4 (or better) magical weapon to fully harm. Note: Non-magical weapons will still do 50% damage.